Yacht Hostesses

Ainda yelmar

    Fotógrafa de profesión y apasionada del mar

    Overall ratting
    Customer Treatment
    Geographical Area Knowledge
    Nautical Knowledge
    Boat Maintenance

    CertificationsLibreta de inscripción Maritima
    Formación Sanitaria
    Buques de pasaje RORO
    Formation of InterestDivemaster SSI
    Fotógrafa profesional
    Knowledge of InterestNavegación a vela
    Pesca deportiva
    Sailed Miles1000 to 5000 sailed miles
    LangsEnglish, Spanish, French
    ChartersMore than 10 charters
    The skipper will not sail at night. If you need to sail at night, you need to use the daycharter service.
    Check this option if the skipper won't have their meals with you.
    Check this option if you need an earlier check in, before 3pm, and ready to sail at 5pm.
    If your trip gets you near any of these national parks, you can choose to use this service and we will arrange your reservation so you can visit them.

    Pick a date to check the availability

    To check the availability of this crew member, please pick a date and fill the other fields, and press the button "Check availability".

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